Who we are

GreenCobot srl is a startup born from the decades of experience of the founders of B.Meccanica. It deals with research and development applied to particular customer orders: it designs and manufactures new models of robots and application software. In particular, it develops and installs palletizing and product handling systems, partly exploiting the internally designed technologies from scratch, and partly the technologies previously developed by B.Meccanica.

Research and technological development are our mission.

In addition to cutting-edge technological knowledge, the original company has also sent us the values ​​that we intend to preserve and perpetuate as a modus operandi also in GreenCobot: a continuous and fruitful communication exchange with the customer, special attention to his needs , and an always dynamic and adaptable approach to any type of situation (our "green" approach).
These features allow us to always stay one step ahead, as well as providing 360-degree solutions and assistance.

B.Meccanica has never made spare parts a businnes and GreenCobot continues with this same line of thought: we always oversize the parts subject to mechanical stress, in order to limit interventions and breakages to a minimum.
In addition to this, we have developed an augmented reality virtual assistance system and software for predictive maintenance, further reducing the physical interventions of technicians and the stops for extraordinary maintenance.
Thanks to these ways of working we are able to guarantee the best return on investment for our customers, benefiting us too in terms of work within the company.

The constant exchange of ideas and the synergy between team members allows us to always aim for important objectives to establish ourselves on the market as an innovative and competitive company.
As an innovative startup, in fact, we invest 15% of our turnover in research and experimentation.
Thanks to this, with our projects and products we can always be at the forefront of the sector, registering 1-2 patents every year.

For this reason, we are always ready to invest resources both in new projects and in new talented personalities in our reference sectors (engineering, robotics, mechanics, automation, programming, hygienic and process design).

We hope to grow and above all to grow our employees and collaborators step by step, cultivating their value and supporting their ideas.

Company history

In an increasingly 4.0 world, increasingly attentive to the environment and above all to the safety and well-being of those who work, GreenCobot aims to develop and market sustainable collaborative robots, in particular for the food sector. GreenCobot has specialized in the construction of machines and systems that include the whole end of line and in particular packaging.

2018: Michele Ballico, one of the founding members, begins to think about the creation of an innovative startup thanks to his growing desire to offer "green" machines and robots. The idea is to offer a range of smart products: economic in terms of space and consumption, adaptable to situations but durable over time, with cutting-edge and performing materials.

2019: The challenge is taken and the first moves are made for the creation of GreenCobot. During the year, careful assessments are carried out which include the Italian and foreign legislative and bureaucratic aspects, then the request for the creation of the startup is forwarded to the competent bodies.
About the same time, a long project review work begins with a view to the startup being opened; In the meantime, B.Meccanica's work continues, a solid and quality company in the automation field.
Michele dedicates the weekends in his home studio to carefully re-examine a widely tested project by B.Meccanica, the palletizer unloads, aiming to transform it significantly, while updating it to the new 4.0 needs and the need for sustainability: here is therefore that an already very good and successful product such as the scara type palletizer becomes a real excellence, thanks to the new carbon fiber arm, the insertion of low weight harmonic reducers and the adoption of seals on the joints. This redesign significantly reduces the weight of the structures and the consumption of the machine, as well as making the arm washable with water jet for better sanitization.

2020: GreenCobot officially becomes reality in March of this year, at a particularly critical moment due to the coronavirus. The lockdown does not stop the startup's progress and spirit of initiative, which thanks to a combined activity of smart working and work in compliance with the Ateco code manages to launch a multifunctional thermoscanner device on the market as an immediate response to the pandemic crisis.
In the spring months GreenCobot continues to be extremely responsive and dedicates itself to the media and communication aspects: the graphics, the new website, the promotional content of the products. The new KR palletizer is perfected and enriched with new gripping accessories with a clean design, with attention to accident prevention. The new KR robot is then advertised, as is the new GreenAnalysis software.
Between June and July there is the transfer to the new premises in Zanè, always in the province of Vicenza. GreenCobot obtains larger and more functional spaces, which include a workshop, offices and showrooms.